Mohamed Lodai Introduces himself

Dear Team - Since Betty & I visited Joe & Louise in Croatia, both Joe & Louise has shown a great desire for us going on a holiday to Croatia and as such only a few days ago I established contact with both parties. Mohamed  has introduced himesel to Joe & Louise and though I have had no intentions posting his intro especially with the praises he has given me, I am forced to do so as it gives a good update of Mohamed. This blog page is now released for all our members so you know our team leader Mohamed Lodhi. (Message below was sent to Joe & Louise which I have copied below). Mohamed Yes, I will certainly have a haircut this week, again time permitting and thanks for spearheading our new holiday venture to Seychelles). Regards Benny
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Dear  Louise  and  Joe,

Hello there in Croatia.  This is Mohamed Lodhi from Zanzibar living in Sweden.

I have heard  about you folks including a SEGA dance video not long ago from our mutual friend Benny (Benito) in UK. 

Well to describe Benny first, he is a great guy full of energy , ideas and very sociable.

I had known him since I was a kid as my maternal uncle used to live near his maternal grandparents house and bakery. Used to admire him with his easy going life, sportsman and a great  sea lover. Coming from a wealthiest Goan family in Zanzibar Benny had everything with his late uncle Alaric (good friend of mine too). These guys were the envy of the Community. Roaming around on Scooters with latest sports and diving/fishing gear.  Pantus (uncles family) were the happy go lucky Goans in the 50s and early 60s.
Well Benny didn’t know me until few years ago when we met thru a mutual friend Tony Madeira in  Zanzibar.  However I always asked my Goan friends about him as I had a few chances of seeing him play the sax at Goan Institute (a place where people like me outsiders were not allowed) and on the hockey ground and always remembered his diving skills.
In those days there were very few pros like Benny, Tony, Dudu  Kharusi,  etc who dived without oxygen cylinders  at substantial depth with harpoons.
Soon being a popular and handsome guy it didn’t take long to see Benny with Betty on his scooter all around old town.

He was the first dark local youngster to hook a light local beauty.
Well you can ask Benny/Betty who hooked whom first.

Benny hasn’t changed much with age though needs a hair cut as per Betty, but as an artist it’s his personality I suppose.

I think he needs trimming else it looks like a wig.

Enough about Benny, to end, he is like the evergreen Indian Film Star called  DEV ANAND.

Oh yes, I am from Zanzibar, 72 years old, came to Sweden almost 50 years ago, married to a Swede and have both children and grandchildren here. Been a frequent visitor to Eastern Africa all these years including the Islands and working out of Dubai for over 20 years so Seychelles has been most regularly visited after Zanzibar.
I assume Joe you are of Goan origin from East Africa and Benny says Louise you are a Seychellois.

My connections to Seychelles goes back to family ties, one paternal uncle had a Seychellois wife who passed away very

early leaving behind a girl child my cousin who lives in SW England. 
There were many Seychellois friends of our folks so we knew then and later on I worked with some as well.  Eventually I visited the Islands with my wife and 2 sons in 1977 and been visiting ever since, especially when I worked for a shipping company in Dubai. 
Have made many friends there in all walks of life as its easy to get along with people, friendly and helpful. You can say we are familiar with Seychelles and feel at home there now.  Many people think we live there and are locals. Due to frequent visits.
We are fond of local music and love to enjoy live music at restaurants though we don’t understand or speak Creole but we have many artist friends, besides there are always some concerts going on with musicians.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        We try to be there during two festivals, CANIVAL in March/April and CREOLE week end October. Sometimes we make more visits if I have to attend a meeting here.
Our next visit is end March for Carnival in April.

Being a Zanzibari at heart, there is no better place than our paradise Island but I still like and love Seychelles a lot. Its our 3rd home I may say.
Look forward to hear from you Louise and exchange some views and info to eventually rendezvous in October in Mahe.

Love to all


Dear Betty – my sincere apologies if I have overstepped. 

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Dear  Benny,
Thanks for your last. 

I  am a shy person, would not like to be the leader or organizer alone, I shall give max info and assistance. 

Feel free to add on the blog whatever you think is OK, the more info you give  better the understanding. 

Bwana I am born Muslim, not a practicing one, more of a secular with respect for all faiths even if you believe in a tree, fish , animal  or galaxy provided you don’t hurt or insult others. 

To Seychelles I always buy booze for Arnaldo Antao and to Sweden for Martin Gonsalves.  I use wine in curries. 

We do not drink alcohol or eat port, just a habit, nor  would you find soft drinks in our house, too much sugar and rubbish, better drink juices without additives. Healthy life outside I may drink Soda water, ginger ale and tonic. 

So taking Betty booze was just to avoid Tembo staffs objections if any. 

I was your great admirer in childhood  bwana, being middle class and non Catholic we cud not afford to attend SJCS, though we originate from Shangani, Remember where Chunilal used to stay ? He was a barber and sons had  Diamond Garage.